Mortgages for First Time Buyers

Are you about to start looking for your ideal first home and want to know about your mortgage choices? Or perhaps you’ve already found your first home and are looking to secure a mortgage.

At HMC we can find the right mortgage opportunities to suit your requirements and will help you through the buying process with everything clearly explained.

We will highlight those lenders with special deals for first time buyers if their packages are suitable for your needs.

What Is Shared Equity?

It’s a way to buy a home without having to pay for all of it. The Scottish Government will pay a minority share of its value. For example, if you pay 70% of the cost, they will pay 30%. However, if you subsequently sell the house, in the same example you would have to pay the 30% of the sale value to the government.

What Can HMC Do For You?

The Highland Mortgage Company can connect you with affordable properties in your area and work with you to find the most convenient and efficient way to pay for your prospective home.